As a homeowner, when the lights go out, it’s probably due to a thunderstorm or you forgot (refuse?) to pay the light bill. But, in a house on wheels, you’ve likely got bigger problems. Problems you can’t figure out! You flip the breakers, check the fuses, check the campground pedestal, the power cord, the genny – what can it be?!
A quick google search will bring you to 9,456,765,475 possibilities and you’ve got to narrow it down…
After some quick, er, LONG, minutes searching for a solution to our problem, I decided it must be the CONVERTER. We had 12v power and the lights were working but we had no charge and the 110v appliances and outlets weren’t working.

The old Parallax converter.
Apparently, the converter in the Airstream is a 1 stage charging system and I soon discovered that this is NOT THE WAY. So, I upgraded our converter to a 3 stage charging system by Progressive Dynamics. I got the direct drop in replacement from Amazon. The PD4655V. I read about this new converter on CurrentlyWandering’s blog.

I like to be organized.
HOWEVER! This ‘upgrade’ didn’t solve our problems. Judging by the little green light on the converter, it was on and working but we still had no 110v power.
FINE!, I said. It must be the power cord! So, off we go to the nearest Camping World and get another Furrion RV cord, which is ridiculously priced BTW!
On the way home, I suddenly remembered reading something about a transfer switch and decided to do a bit of research while we were stuck in traffic. Hrm…I’m reading this, and realized we probably didn’t need a new converter, nor a new power cord and I should just bypass this switch….FRICK!

Which wire goes where?!
We got back home (to the trailer…) and bypassed the switch from some directions I found on AirForums and bam! Power back on.
My advice to myself and anyone else, DO SOME SERIOUS GOOGLING before throwing money at your problem…
Our problem was solved and now we have an upgraded charging system and a new $$$ power cord…