When we first decided how we were going to travel up the west coast we determined our current Airstream was just too old, I mean small. It is 19ft of Vintage awesomeness that we decided we would leave back in Texas.
We started our search for a 25′ newish Airstream and quickly realized these things are flying off the market, kind of like houses in Austin. And the kicker, they were getting scooped up by all the folks out in California. Urgh. Anyway, we searched and searched and searched, finally Mr. TCP suggested we look at other travel trailers. Not going to happen. There isn’t a travel trailer or RV on the market that compares to the quality and craftsmanship of an Airstream. And WE ARE AIRSTREAM PEOPLE. So the search continued.
The other kicker was were going to have to drive cross country to purchase some of the Airstreams we found which wasn’t sounding too appealing. Finally, we found one in our hometown, Austin. We went to see it and decided it would be the one, if we could agree on a purchase price.
After some back and forth, we were able to agree on a purchase price and we started the process of bringing her home. Mr. TCP had the honor of getting to pull her on the inaugural drive to our stick build house.
After searching, I came to the conclusion that we couldn’t buy an Airstream that had a corner bed. Why you may ask? Well, because I am certain I’d be the one crammed in the corner and that just doesn’t sound like any fun.

And now we have a “walk” around bed.
I also wanted to have panoramic windows on the front and back which is something you get when you don’t have the corner bed. I am sure there is a specific model or name that those Airstreams are called, but I just can’t think of it off the top of my head.
I wanted to post pictures of what it looked like before we weighed it down with all of our crap so these pictures were taken from the listing.
Stay tuned for more “lived” in pictures.